Choosing the Right Trench Shoring Company: What You Need to Know
In construction, sometimes certain projects need to use trench shoring when the site location needs a support system to prevent the movement of the soil. As crucial as it is, it’s even more important to find the right trench shoring company to work with you to ensure the worker’s safety and project efficiency. Although there are many companies available on the market, you need to be discerning about the experts who can guarantee that your construction will run smoothly and will not compromise progress. Today’s article highlights the key factors you should consider when hiring the right trench shoring company.
What qualities and factors should I look out for when hiring a trench shoring company?
Finding a reliable company for trench shoring can be taxing given how many there are on the market right now, so to narrow down your choices, choose companies that answer the following criteria:
Check out their experience and expertise. Reliable and credited companies are the way they are because of the experience and expertise they have built up through the years. With that said, check if the companies you’re eyeing have a proven track record and check the projects they’ve worked on before: were some of them complex? How did they tackle it? Lastly, you should also verify if their knowledge of the job is credible, which you can do by browsing through the testimonials and reviews left by their previous clients. Generally speaking, positive feedback means that they deliver quality service to their customers.
Do they have any certifications? Aside from expertise, you should also check if the company has the right licenses and permits to operate; do they have accreditation from reputable government offices? See if they comply with the industry’s standard practices and OSHA regulations.
What kinds of equipment do they use? A merchant’s tool of trade is crucial, and in the case of your prospective trench shoring service, are they up-to-date and of high quality? Though generally speaking, their equipment doesn’t have to be the latest models as long as they’re well taken care of and are in good condition. Besides that, check if the company is able to mobilize the delivery of equipment and other tools at the proper time once installation commences.
Do they implement safety protocols in their projects? As we’ve mentioned before, trench shoring and construction carry a few safety risks, so from the get-go, ask if the company has safety procedures and has undergone training programs in case of emergencies. It’s good to see if they’re committed to preventing accidents or other unlikely events in the workplace.
Are they efficient communicators? Your choice of trench shoring company should be able to clearly communicate what goes on at the site location; even if there aren’t any untoward incidents, they should still give you a detailed report of things that took place.Are they cost-efficient? Finally, pull up the list of your prospective companies and compare their fees; choose the one that has the best offer, but be mindful not to sacrifice quality just so you can save more money. Remember, it’s better safe than sorry, so much better to choose one that can guarantee you smooth project progress and overall safety on the construction site.